Monster In Me:

Following her most recent single release 'Imposter', Eve continues to explore her voice as an artist and her sound through her next single release 'Monster In Me' (MIM). Alongside creating haunting melodic intrigue, Eve mixes distorted guitars and warped feedback on this track to immerse the listener into the psyche of 'The Monster'. Paying homage to 90's grunge and some of her favorite artists such as Palaye Royale, Skunk Anansie and Korn, Eve creates a sense of discomfort through this track which allows the listener to understand the protagonist's emotions throughout the song.

"This song was originally written after reading Frankenstein by Mary Shelly, and although I took direct quotes from the book to write this song it has become largely about a reaction and a retaliation against the standards and stereotypes that society pushes onto women, especially women in the public eye who aren't allowed to dress a certain way, look a certain way or even act a certain way, who are judged by how they look and not by the depth of their character and intellect, much like the character of the monster in the book." ~ Eve Davidson

