
When writing Ghosts I originally wanted to write the song about eternal love, using a vamp style of picking to create an older and creepier sound for the song. Whilst using these chords I began to think back to some writing I had previously done about ghosts and graves, thinking about how only the dead truly know how they died and take their true stories to the grave with them. This subject came easier to write about and I was reminded of a My Chemical Romance song about death and a Horrible Histories song about plague victims, where in the video for the song the dead plague victims begin dancing during the song. This imagery created the basis of the lyrics for Ghosts, creating a duel narrative from the listeners perspective or the ‘you’ in the lyrics and the spirits that were watching the ‘you’ walk amongst them. I wanted to touch on the stories, having the ghosts ‘dancing in the sun’ but also pleading and crying, showing how not everyone had a peaceful death. Returning to some of the lyrics from the first verse, I chose to really drive home the emotion of the song, using specifically the lyric of “you walk alone…” to reiterate that the spirits aren’t physically there to see and this imaginary ‘you’ is alone. By using the lyric “encased in stone…” I also wanted to repeat to the listener that these spirits are trapped there, and that they themselves are also alone, except for those fleeting visits from loved ones.



