
Lies was written when I was bored in my room one day and decided to write a song. I wanted to use unique chords to create the building blocks of the song and to challenge myself when writing the progression. Using some free writing from 2019 taking the lyrics and ideas from that I began writing the song. 'Lies' comes almost directly from a paragraph of free writing based on when I was free from a toxic situation-ship and feeling very low. Recreating this theme when I revisited the writing years later, to capture that moment in my life. Working alongside my producer, Aaron Saigh, we created the looping chorus. The loop in the chorus reflects the constant cycle of emotions going through my head at the time and the unhealthy way I was thinking, we also thought it would be a really cool part of the song. This song was very therapeutic to write for me and I hope you can pick up on some of the tones of defiance that I personally feel are within the song

When recording 'Lies' my producer, Aaron Saigh, and I used the university facilities to record in. We used the AKG 414 microphone to test out how the microphone sounded and we both fell in love with it, using it in all of the vocals on 'Lies' but also the EP 'Ghosts'. Using this microphone we also recorded layers of harmonies to create depth in the song and used a midi bass to help keep us on time but also to get the timing of the bass line correct as it was a difficult part of the process. 





Locked Away